Friday, October 9, 2015

Suggestion of Incompetence

Well people repeated humiliation is the key factor behind me writing on this topic, I openly admit!!! I was forced to join and take up science when I was at high school when there was an option to choose between arts and science, I was very much interested in taking up arts which included the study of literature and things like that. My parents were invariably prejudiced and were insisting me to take science as the main stream, till then I was good at studies and was well liked by my professors but after choosing science as my stream the whole scenario changed!!! I couldn't perform well, the whole point was I was not interested, the world started to consider me as an incompetent individual, which seriously put me almost to a demented state. Anyway now I am well settled as it has been ages since that incident occurred!!! I always have the feel that it could have been better if I had taken the other option in my life, as that field also has good prospects. So I personally feel that instead of calling an individual incompetent it would always be better if you categorize him as per his interest. If a person is very much interested in some art if not immediately but would soon master it!!! Some people have the gift of adjusting and excelling in every field they get into irrespective of their liking, those are somewhat rare and not a better option as per me. So my sincere request to parents and educational institutes is only these, always try motivating students and induce some kind of interest in them instead of eschewing the poor performer and calling him incompetent!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Suggestion about Illusions

Where is science taking us? Well, most of us (even most scientist) seem to think science is the absolute truth, and that’s where it’s taking us. That it is a linear concept, and that it’s taking us each time closer to the truth. But as we see in the history of science, many theories that were known to be “true” at its time (even those that concur with experimental data), were proven wrong given the time. So what we know to be “true” today may be far from it. Yes, that is a scary thought, particularly for those who make science, and that’s probably why science is “sold” as the beholder of all truth. But I think we should accustom ourselves to the fact that science is about the journey, not the destination. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

Interesting Trivia about Milk

Milk is a staple in many households and a versatile ingredient in various cuisines. But did you know that there's more to milk than meets the eye? In this article, we'll explore interesting trivia about milk that will make you appreciate this wholesome beverage even more. From its ancient origins to its nutritional composition, get ready to be amazed by the captivating world of milk.

The Rich History of Milk
  • A Beverage of Antiquity: Milk has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. It has served as a source of sustenance and nourishment in various civilizations throughout history. From ancient Egypt to the nomadic tribes of Mongolia, milk has played a vital role in human nutrition.
  • The Domestication of Milk-Producing Animals: The domestication of animals such as cows, goats, and sheep marked a significant turning point in milk production. As early as 9000 BC, humans began to harness the milk-producing capabilities of these animals, paving the way for the widespread availability of milk.
Surprising Milk Facts
  • A Nutritional Powerhouse: Milk is not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients. It is a rich source of calcium, protein, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to overall health and well-being. Regular consumption of milk can support bone health, aid muscle recovery, and provide a boost of energy.
  • The Many Faces of Milk: Milk comes in various forms, each with its unique characteristics. From cow's milk to alternatives like almond milk or soy milk, there is a wide range of choices to suit different dietary preferences and restrictions. These alternatives have gained popularity due to their lactose-free nature or distinct flavor profiles.
  • Milk in Cultural and Culinary Traditions: Milk holds significance in cultural and culinary traditions around the world. It is a key ingredient in numerous dishes, from creamy desserts like ice cream and custard to savory delights like cheese and yogurt. Milk-based beverages, such as masala chai in India or hot chocolate in Europe, are cherished for their comforting qualities.
Unveiling Milk Myths
  • Milk and Lactose Intolerance: Contrary to popular belief, not everyone can digest milk easily. Lactose intolerance, the inability to break down lactose, the sugar found in milk, affects a significant portion of the population. However, lactose-free milk options and alternatives provide solutions for those with lactose intolerance.
  • The Calcium Myth: While milk is often associated with calcium, it is not the sole source of this essential mineral. Many plant-based foods, such as leafy greens, nuts, and fortified products, also offer calcium. So, individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences can still meet their calcium needs without relying solely on milk.
Milk is more than just a refreshing beverage. It carries a rich history, boasts impressive nutritional value, and holds cultural significance worldwide. From its ancient origins to the diverse array of milk-based products available today, this dairy delight continues to captivate our taste buds and nourish our bodies. So, the next time you pour a glass of milk or enjoy a milk-based treat, remember the intriguing trivia and fascinating facts that make milk such an extraordinary and beloved part of our lives.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Have a Good Neighbours

We all long for unity in our families, friendships and workplaces. Without it our lives are fragmented; with it we live in harmony and peace. Being individualistic and wanting to be exclusive doesn’t foster unity, neither does expecting everyone to think and behave like we do. Fear, suspicion, selfishness and greed destroy unity and ultimately destroy relationships. Fear that someone else is better than we are or is getting more or will take away what we have. These feelings arise from a basic insecurity that we don’t matter to anyone that we need to look out for ourselves first that we are the only ones who deserve good things. The opposite of these negative qualities is trust. Trust builds unity. Trust in those we live or work with. Trust that the other person’s motives are as honorable as ours, that someone will stand up for us just as we do for others and that w matter to other people just as they matter to us.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Be Smiling

With huge pressure in our life we really don’t have much chance to smile with all our hearts. One should understand that whatever may be the problem we need to face it rather than worrying about it. Take some time to relax and make a chance to smile at everyone. All a smile can do is, it puts your life at ease, it improves your day, it makes new friends, it leaves impressions, it makes you look happy and confident. It could be the start of a relationship too!!.Smile can be a positive motivational influence.People can inspire confidence in from us through our pleasant smile.Smile can people in health matters.People who keep smiling have their blood pressure under control.Laughing therapy is becoming famous nowadays.Finally smile is all about giving and receiving.